15 August 2011


Harsh word of yours..

If you really mad at me,
you dont need to make others involved in this too.
Why do you have to do those things..??
Keep aiming at both of us.
Hurting my most cared person.

Do hurt myself..
I dont mind either if you tell me whats disturbing you.
I cant stand it when you throw your anger to that person.
Sbb manusia sprti aku tk punye perasaan mcm org yg telah kamu marahi.
Sungguh perit bile aku dgr sndiri dari mulut
org yg telah kamu marah.
Smpai menitis air mata keegoan aku.

I'm lost in the world of yours.
Your sickening words make my heart broke into million of pieces,
till it becomes soo tense that i myself cant bear it.
I dont know and i'm not sure
which path i should take to settle this prob.
But one thing that i know is that,
I'm the heart that you have hurt.
And you are too much and too cruel to us.

Mgkin ini cara kamu untk bseronok.
Tp pecayelah.. pbuatan kamu nie mmg amat myakitkn.
Aku tau.. hari nie hari kamu..
Mgkin..esk lusa hari aku.
Aku berdoa agar kamu sedar dan tbuka ati untk mgenali
dan menginsafi segala pbuatan kamu nie.
May Allah bless you.

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